Ontwikkelen protocol monitoring rietvegetatie voor LIFE MICA
Development and testing of a monitoring protocol to determine the ecological effects of Coypu in the pilot areas of LIFE MICA
Development and testing of a monitoring protocol to determine the ecological effects of Coypu in the pilot areas of LIFE MICA. LIFE MICA is a collaboration of multiple European countries: Belgium, Germany & the Netherlands. The main goal was to create a monitoring protocol for Reed vegetation, by using remote sensing, and monitoring protocols for bird, damsel- and dragonflies and vegetation surveys. These were created and tested in the Gelderse Poort, the Netherlands, and the output served as a first measurement. Monitoring has been done by surveying transects and permanent quadrants (PQs).
Firstly, relevant vegetation, bird and damsel- and dragonfly species were selected, which can be (in)-directly influenced by Coypus. After species were selected relevant protocols of authorities in those fields were gathered and these were adjusted and made into a monitoring protocol for LIFE MICA. The results of the first measurement are interactively visualised in ArcGIS Dashboard and lay a basis for the monitoring nature of the LIFE MICA project. However, because of the time frame and season of this project, certain compromises were made and advice was given on how to improve the project in the upcoming years. Vegetation surveys and remote sensing need to be executed during the blooming period of the selected species. Monitoring needs to be done throughout the whole ecological season, and not just in the beginning, in order to qualitatively estimate populations of the selected species. The research needs be expanded by at least 2 months. The number of PQs and transects can be determined by a formula developed during this project. In order to do this and to make it manageable, formulas were constructed so that every pilot area of LIFE MICA can be monitored in the same way.